
Help our Downtown Rise!

ALL DONATIONS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL UNLESS YOU PERSONALLY CHOOSE TO MAKE YOUR SUPPORT PUBLIC. RTR is a registered 501(c)3 and your donations may be tax-deductible. Please consult your accounting professional should you have any tax-related questions.

How is it being or how will it be funded?

We have individuals and businesses already interested in potentially matching up to $50,000 to make this a very robust fund to help our local businesses. BUT, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

It is our goal to maximize that match and reach $100,000 that can flood back into our local economy. We are looking to other businesses and individuals who have a desire to help fund this no matter the amount given.

The beautiful part...... whatever you give will be matched.... doubling your impact. (for as long as pledged matching funds are available).